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Unveiling the Top Trends of Student Accommodations 2024

Unveiling the Top Trends of Student Accommodations 2024

Top Trends of Student Accommodations 2024

With the rise of students moving abroad for their higher education, the demand for student accommodation has also risen drastically. With thousands of students moving every year, accommodating all the students in university halls becomes impossible. Therefore, the need for accommodation specially designed for students came into the picture. Nowadays, almost every country and city has several student accommodation options. Especially in places like London, New York, Melbourne, and other such cities with world-class universities, the accommodation options are in abundance.

But, in 2024, it is time to say Goodbye to the same old trends and say Hello to new trends of Student Accommodation. It is important to realize that the student needs change from time to time, and from generation to generation. With new advances come new demands.

Hence, it is very important to stay updated on the latest accommodation trends. In this blog, you will find some top trends that are being implemented or must be when making student accommodations.

1. Sustainability:

While sustainability is a rather old concept, it is persistent till date. Nowadays, students are aware of the environment and prioritize sustainability and the

environment. The use of solar panels and other energy-efficient appliances is appreciated and chosen over other energy-consuming appliances. Hence, investors and developers are recommended to work towards these smart technologies, so that they can increase their tenant rate.

2. Technology:

In the 21st century, where everything is available within a few clicks on a laptop screen, it is time to use technology in student housing as well. The COVID-19 pandemic showed us all how important the need for the internet is. Ever since then, many schools, colleges, and even offices have adopted remote learning/working strategies.

Hence, builders must understand the need for technology and provide internet services in the student accommodations that are built.

3. Collaborative Spaces:

We live in an era where every other student is stressed because of the vast syllabus or upcoming finals. Therefore, to ensure that every student gets a mental health break, a collaborative space with fun activities is an amazing idea to release stress. These spaces can comprise comfortable furniture, a pool table, a projector,and more. Here, students can come and relax, watch a movie, play games, and give themselves themselves a much-deserved break.

4. Privacy:

While collaborative spaces and socialization are essential for boosting mental health, the importance of privacy remains non-negotiable. Instead of 6 students sharing one space, people are now looking for increased privacy. Therefore, well-furnished flats with double-sharing options are now in high demand, since theyprovide students with increased privacy for their work and studies.

5. Co-ed Housing:

We no longer live by the stereotypes, and every student is free to choose their roommate as per their comfort. The act of providing shared co-ed rooms and other gender-neutral housing facilities will attract students who wish to stay together. This would further result in a better understanding and living experience for students.

6. Health and Wellness:

It is important to offer students places where they can boost both their physical and mental health. So, if a student wishes to take a break from their studies, they should have a place where they go and refresh. These places may include swimming area, badminton court, an indoor fitness centre, or any other relaxing activity, like Yoga.

7. Affordability:

When building student accommodation, it’s essential to keep in mind that studentsmay come from various backgrounds. Therefore, offering housing options withindifferent price ranges is beneficial for both students and builders. Tiny homes or co-housing arrangements are two examples of affordable and private housing.

8. Mode of Transport:

Let’s take an example here. A student rents student accommodation in London ,and his university is 30 minutes away. Now, if there is no transport available near theaccommodation, why would the student choose it? Since there are already manyexpenses that a student must take care of when studying abroad, it is essential toprovide comfort in terms of transportation. Accommodation near trams or local busstands is more convenient than ones that require students to walk 30 minutes oneside.


When it comes to accommodation, all the universities and students go through aconstant struggle. Just as universities and builders wonder what kind of residentialfacilities modern students would like, students often wonder if they will get all theirnecessities under one roof or not.Housing trends are an important aspect to consider for all builders, real estateprofessionals, universities, and other such institutions. Since these trends are dynamicand may vary from place to place, it is essential to realize the necessary ones. Theabove-given trends provide an idea of student housing trends in 2024. However, manymore trends will evolve eventually.

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